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Mind Over Matter -The Secret to Conscious Creation


Are you ready to transform your reality and create the life you truly desire? Then you need to read this powerful book that explores the teachings of Neville Goddard and his revolutionary concept that our reality is a reflection of our state of being.

In this book, the author takes you on a journey of self-discovery and shows you how every conversation, thought, and emotion you have is a reflection of your current state. But the good news is that you have the power to change your state and, in turn, your reality.

The author reveals the secret to changing your state and manifesting your desires: having an inner conversation from the premise of the wish fulfilled. By imagining yourself in a new, ideal state and speaking to yourself as if it is already true, you can shape your beliefs and emotions and attract circumstances that align with your new state.

But that's not all. The author also stresses the power of imagination and conscious creation, showing you how to use your imagination to create new experiences for yourself. And if you're wondering how to change the reflection of the people and situations in your life, the author has you covered. By changing the way you imagine your relationships and having an inner conversation from the premise of the wish fulfilled, you can shift the dynamic and change the reflection.

Finally, the author emphasizes the art of allowing, which is about remaining in your ideal state and trusting that the change is happening within. By not trying to force or control the outcome, you allow the changes within to reflect in the outer world.

In short, this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to take control of their reality and manifest their desires. Get your copy today and start creating the life you truly desire!

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Summary : The book explores the teachings of Neville Goddard and the concept that our reality is a reflection of our state of being. The author highlights the idea that every conversation we have, every thought we think, and every emotion we feel is a reflection of our current state and that the people and situations in our life are merely mirrors, reflecting back to us our inner world. The book delves into the idea that if we find ourselves in an undesirable state, we have the power to change it by having an inner conversation from the premise of the wish fulfilled. This means imagining ourselves in a new, ideal state and speaking to ourselves as if it is already true. This inner conversation will shape our beliefs and emotions, allowing us to naturally attract circumstances that align with our new state. The author also emphasizes the power of imagination and the role it plays in conscious creation. By imagining our ideal state, we can change our reality and create new experiences for ourselves. The author also stresses the importance of remaining in an ideal state, even if nothing appears to have changed on the surface level. The book also discusses the idea that others in our life are not just random people, they are also reflections of our state of being. By changing the way we imagine our relationships and having an inner conversation from the premise of the wish fulfilled, we can shift the dynamic and change the reflection. Finally, the book highlights the art of allowing, which is about remaining in our ideal state and trusting that the change is happening within. The author emphasizes the idea that there is only one cause, and that is what we are conscious of being in the moment, and that by remaining in our ideal state and not trying to force or control the outcome, we allow the changes within to reflect in the outer world.

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15 pages
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Mind Over Matter -The Secret to Conscious Creation

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